From the monthly archives: June 2011

Messed Up

June 27, 2011 by

I kept hearing sirens all morning long from my office near the Convention Center. There was yet another fatal shooting early today and the violence seems to be on everyone’s mind. I ate lunch at my desk and then realized I needed some air and to walk around for a minute. Once outside, I saw […]

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Meeting Mark

June 22, 2011 by

If there’s one thing I love, it’s a bargain. That’s probably not news to anyone who’s been paying attention. I’ve scored some amazing deals at Goodwill in the past couple of months. Here’s my latest find: This was an extra good deal, because the jacket was marked 50% off the regular price of $14.99. I […]

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Many thanks to the First Baptist Church’s Downtown Fellowship for the warm welcome on Thursday! It was lovely to share my story with such an attentive and insightful group. I met many wonderful people, including a couple who were married in the church 60 years ago! What an inspiration to meet Marian Boehr, who graduated […]

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Something Good

June 12, 2011 by

It’s a grueling schedule I’ve set for myself: 100 giveaways in 52 weeks.  The year’s midway point is on the horizon and sometimes I feel the pressure.  That’s how I ended up with a hundred dollar bill in my pocket at PDX (the nation’s #1 airport). I was headed to Denver for a quick business […]

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This event is open to the public. It would be wonderful to see you!

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June 8, 2011 by

My bus stop is at the edge of a pretty homogenous neighborhood and in the mornings there’s normally a pretty homogenous crowd of people dressed for the office.  Today, just before the bus arrived, a woman crossed the street and walked toward the small group of us waiting in the shelter. The woman stood out […]

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I’ve walked through (or by) Holladay Park near Lloyd Center countless times, and somehow I’ve never noticed this metal sculpture by Tad Savinar. It’s really amazing when you see it up close: And, my favorite part: According to a Portland Public Art blog, the sculpture depicts Carolyn Marks-Bax, a former neighborhood organizer, aide to former County Commissioner […]

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This is my 100th blog post! I’m pretty sure it’s more writing than I’ve done in the whole rest of my life put together. I would be totally daunted by the idea of writing this many pages if that was the task I set for myself. Like everything else, it’s doable when tackled a little […]

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