If you know anyone who lives in Portland, you’ve already heard the news. It stopped raining! Not only has it stopped raining (which would have been enough), but the sun came out! Not only that (which thrilled us all to bits), it is 80°! Louise and I walked to Laurelhurst Park, mostly as an excuse […]

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I sort of stole this post’s title from the name of an article in the latest edition of The Sun magazine by Brian Jay Stanley. Stanley’s piece is a study of “otherness”; an answer to the question: “who is a stranger?” in which he explores the bonds that we share with each other. It’s a wonderful […]

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Being George

April 8, 2012 by

Levi, the new kitty we got after Patches died, is wonderful. Really. He’s one of the best cats I’ve ever had. He is affectionate without being clingy, self-confident yet not aloof, and playful without being destructive (unless you’re trying to read the newspaper). He is soft and beautiful and gets along with everyone. Levi has […]

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A Mythical Orb

April 1, 2012 by

You know what would be sad? If all the cherry blossoms got washed off the trees before we had even one perfectly nice day. Just as we closed the book on the wettest March on record (yes, that’s right), the sun appeared! We ventured out, blinking like moles emerging from their tunnel. Within an hour the skies […]

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March 25, 2012 by

Every year around this time I make a pilgrimage to a foreign land. Like all pilgrimages, it requires mental and spiritual preparation. Sometimes I get lost on my journey. Or I arrive, only to wander aimlessly. Today was the day. My course was straight and true and I found my way without a single misstep. […]

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I should have known better. I thought I had learned to always carry a hundred dollar bill and my camera with me. You never know when the perfect opportunity will present itself. But yesterday, when I had to make a quick dash to the store, I just stuck my wallet (sans hundred) in my coat […]

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Spring Forward

March 11, 2012 by

We got up super early to take Elijah to the airport, then went back to sleep. It made for kind of a weird day and I’m thankful for the extra hour of light at this end of it. I never quite understand Daylight Savings Time and I know I’ll be grumbling when it’s pitch dark in the […]

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On the Road

March 5, 2012 by

I wasn’t intending to give my most recent gift in a fast food restroom. But that’s how it worked out. Well, almost. It’s spring break for college kids, so Elijah has the week off and arrived home with a friend on Friday night. We had made plans to spend a few days in Vancouver, which […]

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Energy or Something

February 25, 2012 by

Guess where I went today. If you said “Fred Meyer”, you would be correct. And a loyal reader (for which I thank you). I had intended to do my giving at the mall after going to an afternoon movie. But as we were parking the car at the theater I realized I had left my […]

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Dead Air

February 23, 2012 by

In honor of National Anosmia Awareness Day I am reposting something I wrote last March, six weeks after I lost my sense of smell from a viral upper respiratory infection (aka a cold). As of a year later, my ability to smell is slightly improved, maybe by 10% on a good day. I am still […]

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